BONE Directory Service
BONE Directory Service
BONE portal
BONE Portal



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BONE Looks into the future and updates a Roadmap on Optical Networks.
You can interact and contribute to the BONE-Roadmap
through an interactive and short survey.

Click here for the current Roadmap

Click here for the survey


The BONE-project is about people, integration and collaboration in the field of optical networks.


BONE stimulates discussions, mobility and interchange of ideas amongst researchers working
at 49 institutes around Europe.


Learn all about the highlights per BONE WP:

BONE "Travelling Presentation"
contains all WP's and major activities
in 1 presentation (download here - 4.5 Mb)


BONE General Activities

WP 01 Dissemination & Outreach

WP 02 Teaching

WP 03 Electronic Communication Aid


BONE Virtual Centres of Excellence

WP 11 VCE Network Technologies and Engineering

WP 12 VCE Services and Applications

WP 13 VCE Access networks

WP 14 VCE Optical switching systems

WP 15 VCE Transmission techniques

WP 16 VCE In-building Networks


BONE Topical Projects

WP 21 TP Green Optical Networks

WP 22 TP MPLS, GMPLS and routing

WP 23 TP Optical communication networks in support of user mobility and networks in motion

WP 24 TP edge-to-core adaptation for hybrid networks

WP 25 TP: Optical Interconnects

WP 26 TP Alternatives for multi-layer networking with cross-layer optimization

WP 27 TP Physical Impairments constrain based routing in packet switching networks





BONE is about dissemination ...

BONE teaches the world
about Optical Networks ...






ePhoton/ONe logo


The BONE-project validates the results of the European Commission funded FP6-Network of Excellence "ePhoton/ONe" by stimulating a more intensified collaboration, exchange of researchers and building on Virtual Centres of Excellence that can serve European industry with education & training, research tools & testlabs and pave the way to new technologies & architectures.




BONE Calendar
BONE Calendar



BONE is an active member of the FP7 Cluster "Converged and Optical networks"


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